Feb 12, 2010


Time flies... And with it, we walk trough life so fast without even noticing that we're getting older. Everything comes and goes, stays for a bit and leaves, not giving us the chance to realize that we're only ghosts wondering through time and space.
Now that I'm 16, I look back and realize that there are many things that  I should have thought twice about before doing them or some mistakes that I'd like to repair but I can't anymore. We only have one life and we can't go back in time (yet) to undo some of our actions, so we should really think about what we're doing, because we won't be able to do anything about it when we realize that we wrong.
I'm pretty OK with what I've done until now, but I guess there are some things that shouldn't have happened, but hey, no one's perfect. 
My life got better and better once I started dating Derik ten Napel, my soul mate. Happiness and love reappeared in my heart and with his help, I started enjoying life again.
This was the best birthday ever, mostly because I spent it with my lover. I got such a beautiful present from him that I will never forget: a necklace in the shape of a heart. Half of it is mine and the other half is at Derik. The necklace is very significant for us, keeping our hearts together and one day, the necklace will become intact again. That day, my happiness will be complete.
Until then, I'm going to live my life and enjoy everything as much as I can. Derik will make sure of it.
I love you!

broken roses


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