Jan 21, 2010

Feelings are like raindrops: a multitude of them, always different and never alike. Sometimes they're weird, sometimes they're funny, happy and sad, melancholic and active and they have lots and lots of shapes and colors.
I was never too emotional because I never had to. Feelings were not made for me. I just don't like showing them, probably because I've always been a very quiet person who didn't have too many friends. But that changed over time and I started getting more and more friends until the end of the 8th grade, when I had to leave all of them and go to high school. but there I met other friends and other friendships started, which will end at the end of the 12th grade and so on. But oh well...
Life is pretty short and we must live it at full capacity, something that i don't really do. I'm the lazy-type boring person which doesn't do much with her life. Yeah, I have goals like becoming a psychologist and having a nice career, I want to learn dutch and move to Belgium to live with my boyfriend, but sometimes I feel that everything is useless. Maybe it's because I'm a teenager and I still don't know what I want.
I often wonder how my future is going to be. Will it be a bright one or will I just be an average person that no one heard of? I'll just have to wait and see... 
Until then, I'll just live my life...

broken roses

O seara ametitor de calda. Intr-un fel, m-am saturat de vara, insa toamna si frunzele galbene ma fac melancolica. Prefer sa ma ascund in sfarsitul amarui al lui august, unde totul incremeneste.
Cam dramatica ziua aceasta, dar ce sa-i faci? Viata merge mai departe si fara compania unui prieten. Urc in liniste scarile, uitandu-ma nicaieri special. Sa fie acesta sfarsitul? Voi afla maine, acum sunt prea obosita sa ma relaxez.
Scartaind silentios, deschid usa ce duce spre mansarda. Ca de obicei, liniste totala. Imi place aici, ma pierd usor in micimea camerei aproape goale. Ferestruica din fata mea arata la fel ca ieri: mica si rotunda, forma caracteristica, de altfel, unei mansarde.
Imi amintesc de copilarie, sau incerc, lucru destul de greu, dat fiind faptul ca multe amintiri au disparut in viteza timpului ce nu vrea sa se opreasca macar o clipa, doar un moment, sa ma pot bucura si eu de liniste. Dar cred ca mansarda e destul de buna, e locusorul meu privat unde nimeni altcineva nu exista, doar cartile mele colectionate de-a lungul a saisprezece ani si vreo doua portocale pe o masuta, probabil de la bunica.
Cartile mele...sunt cam prafuite acum. Am uitat de mult de ele, fiind inlocuite de prieteni ceva mai reali, dar nu mai buni. Macar stiu ca ele nu ma vor parasi niciodata...sau rani... Cine stie, poate voi incepe sa citesc din nou, candva, dar...cine stie... In momentul de fata, nu stiu mai nimic. Nici nu vreau sa stiu. Vreau doar sa uit, sa ma acopar in mii de straturi de uitare dulce si amara, vreau sa gust linistea eternitatii nesfarsite invelita cu o coala alba.
Dar visul meu nu poate dura mult fiindca eu nu pot rezista lui. Daca ar fi sa analizez aceasta situatie, as realiza ca nu am rezolvat nimic. Sunt tot aici, singura, uitandu-ma pe geam. incercand sa urmaresc linia vietii mele de acum vreo doua saptamani, dar nu o gasesc. Ciudat lucru! Dar nu-mi pasa...
Mi-am dat seama ca e cald si as vrea sa deschid ferestruica, dar nu are rost, ca mai nimic din ce fac in ultima vreme, lucru ce parintilor mei li se pare intolerabil. Si inca o data, nu-mi pasa...
Poate sunt la varsta "cu probleme", cand nu stii cine esti, nici ce vrei, cand nu poti deosebi mai nimic si totul este indescifrabil. Poate asta e problema mea, avand in vedere ca am saisprezece ani si nici-un vis...
Dar e sfarsit de vara si nu-mi pasa...

 broken roses
