Apr 17, 2010

My hands are in love,
oh, my mouth loves,
and look, I realized
that things are so close to me,
that I can barely walk through them
without hurting myself.

This is a sweet feeling,
of waking up, of dreaming,
and here I am without sleeping,
I truly see the ivory gods,
I take them in my hand and
I screw them laughing, in the moon,
like some graven handles,
how they must have been in the old days,
embellished, the ships' steering wheel.

Jupiter is yellow, and Hera
the wonderful one silvery.
I strike the wheel with a rock and it moves.
It's a dance my love, of the feelings,
goddesses of the air, between us.
And I, with my soul's sails stretched by longings,
I look for you everywhere, and things come
closer and closer,
and they clench my chest and it hurts.

                                                                                                                             broken roses


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